Home Hair How to Fix Eyebrows That are Different Shapes
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How to Fix Eyebrows That are Different Shapes

by Sandy Taylor

It’s normal to have eyebrows that have slightly different shapes. However, if you want to make your eyebrows more symmetrical, it’s easy to do that with the right brow techniques.

In this post, I connected with a few talented beauty gurus in the industry and asked them to provide me with their best tips for fixing eyebrows that have different shapes.

Harman Awal, a beauty guru, and creator of her blog YourGirlKnows.com shares that different shape eyebrows can be a little overwhelming, but there’s nothing a brow pencil cannot solve.

The easiest way to fix eyebrows that are different shapes is to create an eyebrow map and then fill in spots with an eyebrow pencil to make your eyebrows appear more symmetrical. 

Here’s What You Need To Do:

  1. Brush your eyebrows downwards with the help of a spoolie brush.
  2. Observe your brows and carefully spot the differences between the shapes of your two eyebrows.
  3. Determine the natural shape of your eyebrow and where the start, arc, and tail of your eyebrow should be. A tutorial on how to do this is provided below.
  4. Mark the start, the arc, and the tail of the eyebrow with small dots. Make sure the dots are aligned to each other. They should be on the same level. You need to mark the dot a little higher than your actual arc on one eyebrow to get them at the same level.
  5. Start creating hair-like strokes with your eyebrow pencil. Begin at the start of the eyebrow to the arc and make sure to use very light flicking motions in the direction of your hair growth.
  6. Continue from the arc to tail. Do not overextend it. The end of the eye is an ideal position for your eyebrow tail to end.
  7. Brush the hair upwards with a spoolie and then buff any harsh lines or dots you have created earlier for the most natural look.
  8. Finally, use a concealer below the eyebrow to brighten and give the area a cleaner look.


Try Eyebrow Stencils

Laura Chawke, beauty and makeup guru at Makeup Scholar, suggests that a great way to fix eyebrows that are different shapes is to use an eyebrow stencil as a guide! This method works great if you can find a stencil that aligns pretty closely with the thickness and general shape of your brows.

Use the same identical stencil as a guide for plucking and tinting both brows (flip the stencil over so it matches up perfectly on the other side). Eyebrow stencils are typically really affordable and make a huge difference to the neatness and evenness of the shape of your brows!

How to use Eyebrow Stencils For Beginners

You will need:

  • Eyebrow Stencil
  • Eyebrow Brush
  • Eyebrow Powder
  • Eyebrow Pencil

What You Need To Do:

  1. Place your eyebrow stencil over one of your eyebrows, try to align the start and arc of the stencil with your brow. Keep the eye on the side that you are working on closed. This prevents the stencil from pressing on your lashes, making the process uncomfortable.
  2. Using your eyebrow brush and eyebrow powder, fill in the area from your arc to the start of your brow.
  3. Align the stencil from the arc of your brow to the tail of your brow.
  4. Using your eyebrow brush, fill in the area from your arc to the end of your brow.
  5. Pluck and trim any hairs stray hairs that fell outside of the stencil area.
  6. Lightly blend the start and end of your brow with your brow brush to create a fuller and natural look.
  7. Use your brow pencil to apply light strokes on areas that your brow powder may have missed.
  8. Repeat steps 1 -7 on your other brow. You will need to adjust your stencil a little to ensure that the stencil lines up with your other eye.
  9. Optional: Apply brow concealer under your brows to give the area a cleaner look.
  10. Use a spoolie to brush your brow hairs from start to end. This ensures your brow hairs are set in the right direction and that there are no bald spots on your brow.

How to Measure Your Eyebrow Shape

The best way to measure your natural brow shape is to hold a pencil up to your right or left nostril, point it up and then rotate it to different positions to determine the start, arc, and tail of your brow.

Here’s What You Need To Do:

To Determine the Start of Your Brow, hold a brow pencil directly up to your right or left nostril and point it up towards your forehead. The point where your brow and the pencil intersects is the location where your brow should start.


To Determine the Arc of Your brow, rotate the brow pencil so that just past the pupil of your right or left eye. The location where your brow and pencil intersects is the location of your natural arc.

To Determine the Tail of your brow, rotate the brow pencil past your eye’s outer corner. The location where your brow and pencil intersects is the location of your brow should end.


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